

  1. 1Kagota S, Futokoro R, Maruyama-Fumoto K, Chimoto J, Yamada S, Shinozuka K. Functional aticholinergic activity of drugs classified as strong and moderate on the anticholinergic burden scale on bladder and ileum. Basic Clin Pharmacol Toxicol., 135 (4):451–463 (2024)


  1. 1Yamada S, Mochizuki M, Chimoto J,  Futokoro R, Kagota S, Shinozuka K. Development of a pharmacological evidence-based anticholinergic burden scale for medications commonly used in older adults. Geriatr Gerontol Int., 23 (7): 558–564 (2023)


  1. 1Kagota S, Futokoro R, Maruyama-Fumoto K, McGuire J.J., Shinozuka K. Perivascular Adipose tissue compensation for endothelial dysfunction in the superior mesenteric artery of female SHRSP.Z-Leprfa/IzmDmcr rats. J Vasc Res., 209–220 (2022)

  2. 2Kagota S, Futokoro R, McGuire J.J., Maruyama-Fumoto K, Shinozuka K. Modulation of vasomotor function by perivascular adipose tissue of renal artery depends on severity of arterial dysfunction to nitric oxide and severity of metabolic parameters. Biomolecules, 12(7), 870 (2022).


  1. 1Maruyama-Fumoto K, McGuire, J.J., Fairlie D.P., Shinozuka K, Kagota S. Activation protease-activated receptor 2 is associated with blood pressure regulation and proteinuria reduction in methabolic syndrome. Clin Exp Pharmacol Physiol., 48(2): 211–220 (2021).

  2. 2Kagota S, Morikawa K, Ishida H, Chimoto J, Maruyama-Fumoto K, Yamada S, Shinozuka K. Vasorelaxant effects of benzodiazepines, non-benzodiazepine sedative-hypnotics, and tandospirone on isolated rat arteries. Eur J Pharmacol., 892:173744 (2021).

  3. 3Kagota S, Maruyama-Fumoto K, McGuire J.J., Shinozuka K. A sodium glucose cotransporter 2 inhibitor fails to improve perivascular adipose tissue-mediated modulation of vasodilation and cardiac function in rats with metabolic syndrome. J Cardiovasc Pharmacol Ther., 26(5): 480–489 (2021).

  4. 4Yamada S, Chimoto J, Shiho M, Okura T, Morikawa K, Kagota S, Shinozuka K. Muscarinic receptor binding activity in rat tissues by vibegron and prediction of its receptor occupancy levels in the human bladder. Int J Urol., 28(12), 1298-1303 (2021).


  1. 1Yamada S, Kuraoka S, Ito Y, Kagota S, Onoue S. Direct in vitro and in vivo demonstration of muscarinic receptor binding by the novel radioligand, [3H]5-hydroxymethyltolterodine, in the bladder and other tissues of rats. J Pharmacol Sci., 14(3): 127–130 (2020).

  2. 2Miyauchi-Wakuda S, Kagota S, Maruyama-Fumoto K, Shiokawa Y, Yamada S, Shinozuka K. Acanthopanax senticosus root extract exerts dual action on mouse ileal smooth muscle function,leading to modulation of gastrointestinal motility. Biol Pharm Bull., 43(5): 817–822 (2020).

  3. 3Kagota S, Norii M, Morikawa K, Maruyama-Fumoto K, Yamada S, Shinozuka K. Vasorelaxant effects of chlorella on blood circulation in healty rats. Austin J Nutri Food Sci., 8(2): 1142 (2020).


  1. 1Yamada S, Kuraoka S, Ito Y, Kagota S, Onoue S. Direct in vitro and in vivo demonstration of muscarinic receptor binding by the novel radioligand, [3H]5-hydroxymethyltolterodine, in the bladder and other tissues of rats. J Pharmacol Sci., 14(3): 127–130 (2020).

  2. 2Shiokawa Y, Miyauchi-Wakuda S, Kagota S, Maruyama-Fumoto K, Yamada S, Shinozuka K. Acanthopanax senticosus Induce s Vasorelaxation via Endothel i al Nitric Oxide-Dependent and Independent Pathways. Planta Med.,  85 (13), 1080-1087 (2019)

  3. 3Kagota S, Maruyama-Fumoto K, Shimari M, John J. McGuire, Shinozuka K. Angiotensin II Type 1 Receptor Antagonist, Azilsartan Restores Vascular Reactivity through a Perivascular Adipose Tissue -Independent Mechanism in Rats with Metabolic Syndrome. Cardiovasc Drugs Ther., (2019)

  4. 4Miyauchi-Wakuda S, Kagota S, Maruyama-Fumoto K, Wakuda H, Yamada S, Shinozuka K. Effect of Royal Jelly on Mouse Isolated Ileum and Gastrointestinal Motility. J Med Food., 22 (8): 789-796 (2019)

  5. 5 Wakuda H, Okura T, Maruyama-Fumoto K, Kagota S, Ito Y, Miyauchi-Wakuda S, Otani N, Uemura N, Yamada S, Shinozuka K. Effects of Anticholinergic Drugs Used for the Therapy of Overactive Bladder on P-Glycoprotein Activity. Biol Pharm Bull., 42 (12): 1996-2001 (2019)


  1. 1Liang, Y., Kagota, S., Maruyama, K., Oonishi, Y.,  Miyauchi-Wakuda, S., Ito, Y., Yamada, S., Shinozuka, K. Royal jelly increases peripheral circulation by inducing vasorelaxation through nitric oxide production under healthy conditions. Biomed Pharmacother., 106, 12010-1219 (2018)


  1. 1Maruyama, K., Kagota, S., McGuire, J.J., Wakuda, H., Yoshikawa, N., Nakamura, K., Shinozuka, K. Age-related changes to vascular protease-activated receptor 2 in metabolic syndrome: a relationship between oxidative stress, receptor expression, and endothelium-dependent vasodilation. Can J Physiol Pharmacol., 95, 356-364 (2017)

  2. 2Kagota, S., Maruyama, K., Van Vliet, B.N., Shinozuka, K. Gestational high-salt intake causes cardiovascular dysfunctions in adulthood. Heart Circ., 1, 007 (2017)

  3. 3Kagota, S., Iwata, S., Maruyama, K., McGuire, J.J., Shinozuka, K. Time-dependent differences in the influence of perivascular adipose tissue on vasomotor functions in metabolic syndrome. Metab Syndr Relat Disord., 15, 233-239 (2017)

  4. 4Maruyama, K., McGuire, J.J., Kagota, S. Progression of time-dependent changes to the mechanisms of vasodilation by protease-activated receptor 2 in metabolic syndrome. Biol Pharm Bull., 40, 2039-2044 (2017)


  1. 1Maruyama, K., Kagota, S., McGuire, J.J., Wakuda, H., Yoshikawa, N., Nakamura, K., Shinozuka, K. Enhanced nitric oxide synthase activation via protease-activated receptor 2 is involved in the preserved vasodilation in aortas from metabolic syndrome rats. J Vasc Res., 52, 232-243 (2015).

  2. 2Wu, T., Sun, J., Kagota, S., Maruyama, K., Wakuda, H., Shinozuka, K. Panax notoginseng saponins ameliorate impaired arterial vasodilation in SHRSP.Z-Leprfa/lzmDmcr rats with metabolic syndrome. Clin Exp Pharmacol Physiol., 43, 459-467 (2016).

  3. 3丸山加菜, John J. McGuire, 篠塚和正, 籠田智美. メタボリックシンドロームにおける血管内皮プロテアーゼ活性化型受容体2(PAR2)の機能と役割. 日薬理誌, 147, 135-138 (2016).

  4. 4Kagota, S., Maruyama, K., McGuire, J.J. Characterization and functions of protease-activated receptor 2 (PAR2) in obesity, diabetes, and metabolic syndrome: a systematic review. Biomed Res Int., 2016: 3130496 (2016)

  5. 5籠田智美, 岩田紗季, 丸山加菜, 和久田浩一, 篠塚和正. メタボリックシンドロームにおける動脈と血管周囲脂肪組織との機能連関. 薬学雑誌, 136, 693-697 (2016).


  1. 1Maruyama, K., Kagota, S., Van Vliet, B.N., Wakuda, H., Shinozuka, K. A maternal high salt diet disturbs cardiac and vascular function of offspring., Life Sci., 136, 42-51 (2015).

  2. 2籠田智美, 丸山加菜, 岩田紗季, 多田有加里. メタボリックシンドロームにおける動脈拡張障害と血管周囲脂肪組織が及ぼす効果. 日薬理誌, 145, 59-64 (2015).

  3. 3Wakuda, H., Miyauchi, S., Maruyama, K., Kagota, S., Nakamura, K., Umegaki, K., Yamada, S., Shinozuka, K. Differential effects of mitogen-activated protein kinase pathway inhibitors on P-glycoprotein activation., ADMET & DMPK, 3, 77-83 (2015).